Linking shadow and light with the lore of Marmota monax, aka Punxsutawney Phil, kids will enjoy learning about the curious history of Groundhog Day on Saturday, February 1 from 11:00 – 12:30. Museum educator Katherine Karlik will be talking about the origins of the holiday in Candleman’s Day, as well as the many amusing names associated with these large ground squirrels. The project for this Groundhogs, Shadows, and Light Workshop for Kids is making a paper-punch design for a votive to cast interesting shadows. Includes snack.
Suggested for children ages 6-12. Wilton Historical Society Members $10; Non-members $15. Please register: info@wiltonhistorical.org or call 203-762-7257.
Did You Know?
“Groundhogs are also variously referred to as woodchucks, whistle-pigs, or land-beavers. The name whistle-pig comes from the fact that, when alarmed, a groundhog will emit a high-pitched whistle as a warning to the rest of his or her colony. The name woodchuck has nothing to do with wood. Or chucking. It is derived from the Algonquian name for the critters, wuchak.” – Jason G. Goldman, 7 Things You Didn’t Know About Groundhogs, Scientific American Online.