Presented by the Wilton Garden Club: Lecture from Sal Gilbertie


In collaboration with the Wilton Garden Club and the Master Gardener Program in Lower Fairfield, the Wilton Historical Society will be hosting Sal Gilbertie of Gilbertie’s Organics for a lecture on Thursday, June 6th at 4:00 p.m.

Explore the Historical Society’s herb garden as Sal shares information about a variety of herbs and the history of his herb business. Available for purchase will be the herbs Sal brings to supplement his presentation and some of the books he has authored. Enjoy refreshments while the Wilton Garden Club introduces the many herbs cultivated in the Society’s gardens.

Takes place in Wilton Historical’s Colonial Herb Garden. In the event of rain, lecture will be moved indoors to the barn.  Email by Monday, May 27th to RSVP.

This event is made possible by the Master Gardener Program’s Outreach Projects and the Wilton Garden Club’s Philanthropy gift. The Wilton Historical Society extends special thanks to Bobbi Kahan, Di Pettit, and Sherry Johnson for maintaining the garden’s period-accurate plant life.