History Now: COVID-19

The Wilton Historical Society’s mission is Shining a light on the making and meaning of history through Wilton’s stories and historic preservation. As the COVID-19 pandemic and aftermath evolves, we are committed to documenting this historic time. COVID-19 has affected our community in ways we can observe now, and in ways that may not emerge for years to come. It’s vital that the reactions, emotions, and objects specific to this event are preserved for future generations. By collecting your stories and objects related to the pandemic, the Society will be able to educate our visitors on the impact of the pandemic, and how we can better prepare for and understand times of crisis.

The Society’s History Now: COVID-19, is a three-part project in which the museum is practicing “rapid-response collecting” an active process in which contemporary objects are acquired in response to major moments in recent history. Part one is a survey. Take it, and you become part of the historic record by capturing information about your experience during this historic event. Part two is COVID Collecting, where the Society is seeking unique donated objects related to the pandemic. Accepted donations will become part of the museum’s permanent collection. Part three is a collaboration with the public schools, which includes a documentary from Wilton High School student Dalton DiCamillo capturing the opinions and insights of fellow high school students.

Click the buttons below to learn more about each part of the project and to participate.


COVID Survey COVID CollectingClass of 2020