Category: Did You Know?
The famous time-ball that drops in Manhattan on New Year’s Eve has its origins in the British Royal Observatory!
The actual notion of a ball “dropping” to signal the passage of time dates back long before New Year’s Eve was ever celebrated in Times Square.
This unlikely trio are connected . . . Abraham Lincoln, Santa Claus and Thomas Nast
“Most people do not associate Santa Claus with war, but in fact the connection goes back to Santa’s very beginnings.
Presidential Thanksgiving Turkey Pardon
Each Thanksgiving, the President “pardons” a hand-selected turkey (or two)! Tater and Tot, fine birds who hail from Iowa, were the participants at President Obama’s final ceremony of reprieve, November 23, 2016.
What do a pumpkin patch, a spy, and a future president have in common?
The Pumpkin Papers “Alger Hiss was a highly regarded adviser to President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
America’s First Labor Day Parade
On September 5, 1882, some 10,000 workers assembled in New York City to participate in America’s first Labor Day parade.